Functional & cutting-edge urban furniture for the community

“Hive”, “Infinity” and “Keep Stepping” were created with two main purposes: youth empowerment and creating something truly unique for the greater Taikoo community to enjoy. 

Power by the talent of 50 Swire Properties Placemaking Academy (SPPA) alumni (design & prototypes) and brought to life by three young local designers (creation), the Urban Furniture Project seamlessly combines sustainability, design excellence, art and Swire Properties’ placemaking vision.

These pieces – made from upcycled and local materials – can be found in Taikoo Place, Quarry Bay at: Taikoo Square (Infinity and Keep Stepping), Plug & Play by Blueprint at Oxford House (Hive). 

The ultimate goal is to add value to our communities, and create places where people can thrive.

太古地產 Placemaking Academy 戶外休憩裝置


 三件作品是 50 名來自 Placemaking Academy 的畢業生和為社區打造的創新戶外休憩裝置。三位年輕設計者的作品均由本地再造材料製成,融合了可持續發展、卓越設計、藝術元素及太古地產的社區營造願景。 

 「無界」和「踄捗」位於在太古坊的太古中央廣場、「蜂忙」則位於濠豐大廈的 Plug & Play by Blueprint。我們希望透過此項目為社區增添活力及藝術氛圍,並為太古坊社群增添互動空間。

Join Now!

Application Deadline: 24 June 2018
Join our workshop and creatively share what you'd like to see in your neighbourhood. Your artworks will be displayed at Cityplaza mall in mid-July, and will help showcase YOUR ideas on how to create the perfect community at Quarry Bay. Sign up now! 
Event Date
Date: 8 July 2018
Section A: 10:30 -13:00
Section B: 14:30 - 17:00
Level 37, One Island East,
18 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay
(In the event of oversubscription, spots will be allocated via a lottery system.)
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For enquiries, please email to hometownheroes@swireproperties.com or contact 2844 6846

Registration is closed!

Registration for participating of "HOMETOWN HEROES: I AM A PLACEMAKER" is now closed. 
Due to the overwhelming response, spots will be allocated via a lottery system, participant will be notified individually by email.

Thank you for your enthusiastic support!
Event Date
Date: 8 July 2018
Section A: 10:30 -13:00
Section B: 14:30 - 17:00
Level 37, One Island East,
18 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay
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Registration is closed!

First to 10th Successful Registrant:
Weekend Afternoon Tea Set for 2 pax at Feast of EAST, Hong Kong (Valued at HK$368)
11th to 20th Successful Registrant:
ABC Cooking Studio Trial Class (Valued at $280 each)
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Registration is closed
Found in nature – in beeHives and volcanic stone – the hexagon is the ideal foundation for structures requiring repeating patterns and shapes, and unlimited configurations and arrangements. 

Hive (“Chair”) comes with a detachable table for working which is also mobile. People can choose to work together as a group or by themselves. 

A larger table is created by combining multiple modules, meeting the needs of a diverse range of users. This space can be used by a group or individuals, and offers a sense of privacy while enabling social engagement.

在大自然中,六邊形是蜜蜂蜂巢和火山岩結構的理想基礎,圖案和形狀不斷重複,以及需要無限的配 置和排列。

 「蜂忙」配有活動工作桌,同時也可自由移動。通過組合多個模塊,三張獨立椅子可以供一組人或個 人使用,亦可併合成更大的工作桌子,促進社交參與及滿足不同用戶的多元化需求。
JOHN TANG (2020 SPPA Alumni) is a Product Designer passionate about creating innovative and user-centric digital experiences. He holds a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Interactive Media from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His professional experience spans various industries, including technology and design. He has worked as a UX/UI Designer in the IT industry, gaining extensive experience in project management, business development and interaction design.

鄧駿鴻(2020 SPPA 的畢業生)是一位產品設計師,致力打造創新和以用戶為中心的數碼體驗。他擁有香港理工大學互動媒體榮譽學士學位。他的工作經驗涵蓋了多個行業,包括科技和設計。他曾在資 訊科技行業擔任UX/UI設計師,積累了豐富的項目管理、業務拓展和互動設計經驗。

Hive was made using Hong Kong timber, including commonly seen Taiwan Acacia, Camphor and Poinciana.

These trees come from logging, pruning or construction projects around the city. After processing, they’re transformed into usable wood, giving new life to the trees, and promoting sustainable development and environmental protection. Hive preserves the natural appearance and texture of the wood, emphasising the unique beauty of nature, allowing the furniture to blend seamlessly with the indoor environment. 

“A bit of nostalgia, a bit of innovation and many collaborations”. Co-founded by Yung Wing-yan and Arthur Li, Hong Kong-based woodwork studio MADE believes craft is a living art. We think, we order, we prototype and we make it happen. With what we’ve made, you can sit down, lean on, walk in and uphold with a touch of handcrafted warmth. 


 MADE 是由容永昕和李思遠同創立的香港木工工作室,他們認為工藝是一門生動的藝術,透過思考、訂製、打樣、並實現這一門工藝。透過他們的製作,用家可以坐下來,依靠,行走,感受到手工溫暖。
In the post-COVID-19 environment, people want to work outdoors more than ever.

“Infinity” is inspired by the Infinity symbol and offers possibilities for people to work outside. The loop extends from the base of the “seat” to the overhead light to create a “pool seating” space, which allows people to collaborate.

Comprising both vertical and horizontal elements, and varying widths, the multiple dimensions open up multiple possibilities on how people can interact with the design. 

在後疫情 時代,人們對在戶外工作的需求比以往任何時候都更加強烈。



GARY LAM (2019 SPPA Alumni)
Gary, an English major graduate from the City University of Hong Kong, has seamlessly integrated his academic pursuits with his professional endeavors. 

Currently employed as a Creative Strategist at Yahoo in the Digital Marketing domain, he combines his linguistic prowess with innovative thinking to craft compelling campaigns. Gary's academic background has equipped him with a solid foundation in communication and critical thinking, enabling him to thrive in the dynamic landscape of digital marketing.


Mr. Hammers

Infinity's surface showcases the combination of traditional craftsmanship with Terrazzo – a composite material made from water-polished stone chips embedded in concrete.

The design also incorporates upcycled glass from recycled glass bottles. The furniture was made using Glass-fiber Reinforced Concrete (GRC) to ensure durability and strength. The traditional craftsmanship, combined with Terrazzo, adds historical and cultural value to this piece of furniture; while the use of upcycled glass exhibits both eco-friendly characteristics and unique aesthetic appeal.

In addition to recycled glass, luminescent pebbles have been incorporated into the seats, emitting a glow at night that complements the surrounding areas. This fusion of materials gives Infinity a distinctive appearance while also embodying sustainable features, bringing environmental consciousness and a stylish ambiance to the space.

Infinity was crafted by the team at Mr. Hammers. Founder Stefan Chui is a passionate individual when it comes to creativity and design. By exploring the possibilities of concrete, Mr. Hammers integrated industrial elements and traditional craftsmanship into Infinity, making this art piece captivating in any space.


「無界」是由Mr. Hammers的團隊製作,創辦人Stefan Chui是一位對創意和設計充滿熱情的人。他相信水泥這種看似冷酷的材料實際上具有無限潛力,可以被轉化為溫暖、獨特且具有藝術價值的作品。通過探索水泥的可能性,將工業元素和傳統工藝技術融入「無界」的製作中,成為社區引人注目的亮點。
“Keep Stepping”, a spiral staircase, is the fusion between a floor and convenience.

It’s a highly-functional, yet aesthetically pleasing piece that offers “a lot” in very “little” space. The 7 steps represent the 7 days of a week to encourage people to take on everyday challenges.

Suited for different types of users from families to friends, they can comfortably interact with each other even in this “small playscape”. They can sit, walk or even play there. 

The staircase features an “inward design” for a comfortable walking experience, while giving it an organic feel. 




Bella Ko (2020 SPPA Alumni) is a creative soul with a deep-seated desire for art and passion.

Her journey began after graduating from Advertising Design at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Today, she’s excited to further her studies and practice art therapy – which is a symphony of healing, creativity and human connections. Her passion lies in harnessing this power to help individuals express their emotions and paint their own life stories.

高星 (2020 SPPA 畢業生) 擁有充滿創意的靈魂,對藝術和熱情有著根深蒂固的渴望。

Gaau1 Up Design Studio

"Keep Stepping" showcases the possibility of integrating upcycled art and practicality, and through the piece, teach the general public the value of plastic.

The furniture’s structure is constructed with stainless steel to ensure durability and strength. Each platform features the craftsmanship of upcycled plastic panels – recycled plastic from the local recycling system was used to produce colorful plastic panels via local workshops. In total, the piece used more than 100 kg of local plastic waste and the entire upcycling process included plastic shredding, pattern design, reshaping and production. It was all done locally to encourage sustainability and the circular economy.

“Keep Stepping” was crafted by the team at Gaau1 Up Design Studio, led by its co-founders Chu Wai Kit and Hui Ho Cheong Ian. They recycled plastic from local sources, and applied their designs and production process to upcycled plastic pieces; creating different art pieces or retail products.

The company believes that “Keep Stepping” is a great example of combining upcycled art and practicality; and through the piece, influence the general public so they better understand the value of plastic.



「踄捗」是由朱偉傑和許浩鏘共同創立Gaau1 Up Design Studio 團隊精心製作的。他們從本地資源回收塑膠,並應用他們的設計和製作工藝進行再造,創造出不同的藝術品或零售產品。Gaau1 Up 相信「踄捗」是將再造藝術與實用性相結合的優秀範例,並希望透過此作品影響公眾,讓他們更好地理解塑膠的價值。

Judging Panel

Mr Mark Percy
Executive Chef and Director of Restaurant & Bar of EAST, Hong Kong
Ms Reina Tamaru
Brand Ambassador, ABC Cooking Studio Hong Kong Limited
Dr. Andrew Chiu
Eastern District Councilor (Tai Koo Shing West constituency)
Mr. Patrick Wong
Eastern District Councilor (Tai Koo Shing East constituency)

Community Interviewees

Chow Yiu Fai
Chow Yiu Fai
Pia Ho
Goro Wong
Yvette Wong